let's play a game!

Are you looking for me?

You're lucky! Finally you meet me.

If you want to get out of here, you have to finish this till the end. Do you want to continue or no?


Are you happy to meet me? If yes, you can sit down on your chair and take a moment to read this information if you want to know about me. . .

Basic Information 
Birth name:Kiara Irza Kalandra
Nama panggilan: Kia
Date of Birth: 30 Desember 1995

Did you know why is she so beautiful? Check this.

Your journey is still long, you can't find your destination if you stop here. Do you want to continue?

Finally, you found me!

It's me, Kiara. Exactly not an ordinary girl as like the other, cause i'm special in my way.

By the way, i have one older brother and one twin his name is Catur, we never have a good relationship, it's really a rare moment if we're good to each other, he is more like my fight friend than brother, oke enough about him.

After i graduate from elementary school i move to Jakarta with my father, but i have a different life with Catur, i more like to life alone and doing everything by myself. You know why i am being like this? So I get used to and not always depend my life on the others.

Have i tell to you that i have a child? If not, then i'll tell you now. I have a beautiful child her nickname is Rara and her full name Is Rania Nabila Putri, isn;t it beautiful name? Of course she is beautiful like her name. But the fact is, she is not my child, she is my best friend daughter and i decided to adopt her to be my child her parents passed away in an accident.